Monday, August 29, 2011

Fainting Goat Games!


  1. Hello, I was wondering if you would update the download link on Drivthru for [SUPERS]Improbable Tales: Rave of the Dead. It currently (And since at least 2018) provides a link to purchasers for the Fate Core version not the Supers! Revised pdf

  2. Hi there. I really like your Savage Worlds setting of 'The After' and am running it in Foundry VTT. I was wondering what you would think if I shared the compendiums I've made that have the Edges, Ancestries and whatnot particular to The After to others in the Savage Worlds discord, Reddit, etc. I wouldn't charge any money for doing so. My hope is that by making it easier to run in Foundry, the setting might be a little more popular and get more love.
